Woman Watches As Neighbors Abandon Their Senior Cat On The Porch And Drive Away

25 July 2023

His family moved away from their Texas home, and Rolo the senior cat was left behind on the streets, which was heartbreaking for him. Despite the cold and rainy weather, Rolo waited patiently by the roadside for many days, keeping a keen eye out for passing vehicles.

He was sure that his owners would come back for him, so he didn’t interact with anyone who tried to assist him.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


A woman, who lived across the street from home, looked out for the abandoned boy. Although Rolo’s loyalty to his previous owners kept him from befriending Maria, he happily accepted the food she gave him.

After a few weeks, Maria observed that he was losing weight quickly, which might be a result of his constant anxious behavior.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


She picked up Rolo and took him to the vet, despite his reluctance. After getting him thoroughly checked up, she made a permanent bed for him in her home. Though Rolo was initially confused, he eventually gave in and accepted his place in Maria’s comfy home.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


At first, Maria was worried about Rolo’s attachment to his old family who had owned him for many years. However, over time, Rolo was able to let go of his feelings of abandonment and accept Maria’s love. He is now living happily in his permanent home with his loving mother. We are moved by Maria’s commitment to rescuing a broken and betrayed animal. Click the video below to watch this incredible story and heartwarming rescue!


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The post Woman Watches As Neighbors Abandon Their Senior Cat On The Porch And Drive Away appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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