27 July 2023
This story begins when Moose’s parents challenged the adorable Bloodhound to find a crisp $100 bill. Since tracking is his favorite pastime, they knew he would be into it. His mom promised the pup she would buy him $100 worth of toys if he found the money. She let him sniff the bill, then ran outside onto their large property to hide it.
Since bringing Moose home, Mom, Kaylin, understood she needed to bond with him from the start. When he was just a puppy, she would hide on their large farm, and Dad would ready Moose to go and search for her. Bloodhounds are known for their keen noses and are often used for search and rescue missions. This ought to be cake!
As Dad uses his drone and stopwatch, Moose can be seen running full tilt, following his Mom’s scent. In two minutes and thirteen seconds, Moose nudges his mom’s legs, knowing he’s a total champ! As for the $100 bill, it’s anybody’s guess whether he found it or not. To see the incredible dog in action and to find out if he went on a shopping spree, play the video below!
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The post Mom Challenges Her Dog To Find Crisp 100 Bill Hidden On Acres Of Farmland appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.